MDI Roll-off Truck with Container Delivery

Program Overview

Mark Dunning Industries is pleased to be a proud supporter of the U.S. Green Building Council and assistant of helping contractors achieve green building and development practices through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted tools and performance criteria.

Material and Resources Points

We have developed a practical solution to help contractors at their job-sites meet their Material and Resources Points to the highest point total possible by placing individual Roll-Off or Front Load containers marked with magnets specifying the specific material to be placed in the container to help ease the end users separation practices. An example of the materials we have help contract segregate are: Wood, Metal, Plastic, Concrete, Cardboard, Sheet Rock, and other recyclable materials.

ratings system details
The LEED for New Construction Rating System is designed to guide and distinguish high-performance commercial and institutional projects, including office buildings, high-rise residential buildings, government buildings, recreational facilities, manufacturing plants and laboratories.

Points have been distributed as follows. Required “prerequisites” in each category receive no points.

Materials and Resources 14 Possible Points

Prerequisite 1: Storage and Collection of Recyclables
Credit 1.1: Building Reuse Maintain Existing Walls, Floors and Roof
Credit 1.2: Building Reuse Maintain Existing Interior Nonstructural Elements
Credit 2: Construction Waste Management
Credit 3: Materials Reuse
Credit 4: Recycled Content
Credit 5: Regional Materials
Credit 6: Rapidly Renewable Materials
Credit 7: Certified Wood

Explanation of Materials and Resources (14 points total)

Storage and collection of recyclables (required)
Building reuse:

75% reuse of building structure and shell excluding windows (1 pt)
100% reuse of building structure and 50% of walls, floors, ceilings (1 pt)

Construction waste reuse or recycling:
50% diversion (1 pt)
75% diversion (1 pt)

Reuse of existing materials:
5% salvaged or refurbished materials (1 pt)
10% salvaged or refurbished materials (1 pt)

Recycled content:
10% recycled content (1 pt)
Additional 10% (1 pt)

Use of local materials:
Manufacture within and Extraction within 500 miles (800 km) of building site, 10% (1 pt)
Additional 10% (1 pt)

Rapidly renewable materials (1 pt)
Certified Wood (1 pt)

MRF (Material Recovery Facility)

Another method for contractors to achieve Material and Resource Points is by commingling materials that can go to a local MRF (Material Recovery Facility). A MRF accepts all recyclable materials commingled and then separates them by commodity at their facility… of course that is based on availability in your area. Interested parties should contact their local sales representative for detailed information!


Feel free to contact our local sales representative in your area to learn more about what you can do to achieve a Green Building through the U.S. Green Building Council.

If you are interested in becoming a part of the U.S Green Building Council, visit their website, or their Wikipedia page for a brief overview of LEED Requirements